Rindert Jagersma and Joanna Rozendaal
Female Book Ownership in the Eighteenth-Century Dutch Republic. The Book Collection of Paper-Cutting Artist Joanna Koerten (1650-1715)
In: Quaerendo, 50:1-2 (2020), pp. 109-140.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/15700690-12341463
Link: https://brill.com/view/journals/qua/50/1-2/article-p109_7.xml
This article analyses the private library book sale catalogue of paper-cutting artist (knipkunstenaar) Johanna Koerten (1650-1715), one of the most famous artists in the Dutch Republic. The study draws on data gathered for the ERC-funded MEDIATE project (Measuring Enlightenment: Disseminating Ideas, Authors and Texts in Europe, 1665-1830). The bibliometric approach of this digital humanities project uses book sale catalogues to study the circulation of books and ideas in eighteenth-century Europe. This article analyses the catalogue of Koerten, her background and professional interests, the ‘femininity’ of female book collections in general, and the problems and opportunities one faces when using bibliometric data on book sale catalogues.
This article is Open Access available.
Link: https://brill.com/view/journals/qua/50/1-2/article-p109_7.xml
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This article was published in the special 50th anniversary issue of Quaerendo: ‘The past of our Future. Moving perspectives on Innovation and Tradition in the Book Market’. The article is a product of the MEDIATE project.